Elder scrolls online steam
Elder scrolls online steam

elder scrolls online steam

Subscribe The Elder Scrolls Online’s Brilliant Quests Make it One of the Best PvE MMOs on the Market Titles like ESO and Final Fantasy 14 really help you appreciate the ways that an MMORPG can grab you that go beyond the grind and social obligations that the genre is sometimes associated with. You’ll still have to put up with the odd fetch quest here and there, but you’re never that far away from some incredible expedition that will demand you spend just a little more time with the game to see what happens next. While the MMO features a massive arching narrative, it’s the quality of those smaller stories you encounter along the way that really sells the scope of your journey. Much like the single-player Elder Scrolls games, so much of ESO’s narrative brilliance can be found in its sidequests.

elder scrolls online steam

While Elder Scrolls Online’s story isn’t quite as good as Final Fantasy 14’s, it’s honestly so much better than nearly everything else out there. It’s not easy to stretch a truly compelling tell across a nearly infinite adventure, but those select few MMO developers that have found a way to explore the narrative potential of that genre have proven that those games can do so much more than rely on the stories you make for yourself along the way. In fact, there’s at least one area where Elder Scrolls Online arguably surpasses its single-player predecessors The Elder Scrolls Online Features One of the Best Stories in MMO (and Elder Scrolls) HistoryĪs Final Fantasy 14 showed, there’s nothing quite like an MMO story that is treated with respect.


While some of the best MMOs ever have managed to establish their reputation without the help of advanced graphics or expansive voice acting, the fact that ESO is treated like a “proper” Elder Scrolls game in terms of its presentation really helps sell the idea that it’s as much of a part of that wonderful series as any of the main Elder Scrolls games. Indeed, ESO really lets you appreciate Elder Scroll’s worldbuilding and lore in a way that isn’t always easy to do when you’re exploring smaller sections of that universe divided between multiple single-player adventures.įurthermore, it must be said that ESO’s presentation values are the best you’ll find in an MMO this side of the mighty Final Fantasy 14. Granted, you’ll get more out of the game if the idea of revisiting the worlds of Oblivion, Skyrim, and Morrowind in a new way feels especially exciting to you, but ESO is so much more than a walk down memory lane. Recent ESO expansions have expanded the world of Tamriel in ways that even the best single-player Elder Scrolls games could never do. So, as we prepare to enter a long and dry new release schedule that will likely leave many searching for a massive new game to lose themselves in, now feels like the perfect time to take a look at the reasons you should (and shouldn’t) start playing The Elder Scrolls Online. However, even those who belong to the latter camp have probably been hearing about the MMO’s growth over the last few years and the many ways that it offers something closer to the experience some were expecting from it at launch. Some have lost countless hours to the online RPG, while others have simply wondered if all of the resources that have gone into it wouldn’t have been better spent on a “proper” single-player Elder Scrolls game (even if that argument has always overlooked the logistics of the game’s development). Since it was released in 2014, The Elder Scrolls Online has proven to be a somewhat divisive game.


Between The Elder Scrolls Online‘s recent free trial on Steam, its tantalizing place in the Game Pass library, and the fact that The Elder Scrolls 6‘s release date isn’t nearly as close as we’d like it to be, more and more people are suddenly wondering if now is the time to finally start playing The Elder Scrolls Online.

Elder scrolls online steam